Kenya Posta Tracking

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Kenya Posta Contact Number

Telephone0719072600 / 0730642600 / 0203242600
Email Address[email protected] / [email protected] / [email protected]
Location / Head OfficePosta House, Kenyatta Avenue, Nairobi

Main Company Website Link:

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Kenya Post Office Tracking

The postal history of Kenya follows back to the seventeenth hundred years, set apart by early correspondence between Mombasa and the rest of the world, at first worked with by the Portuguese administration and later through shipping lanes to Arabia, India, and Europe. From around 1848, inland correspondence started utilizing local sprinters to the coast for transmission, connoting the early foundations of postal correspondence in the district. 

In 1877, coast-to-Aden mail transport by the British steam navigation Company spurred postal progress. Under the British East Africa Association, mail-runners expanded, utilizing unique postage stamps by 1889-90. The formalization of postal services came with the establishment of the Postal Corporation of Kenya (PCK) through the PCK Act of 1998, functioning commercially.

To the UN Charter’s recognition of postal communication as a fundamental human right, its primary mission is to offer nationwide postal services that are accessible, cost-effective, and dependable. With 623 outlets across Kenya, the Mail centre remaining parts a vital correspondence stage. Quite, they participate in territorial collaboration inside East Africa, working with Postal Cash Moves and track-and-follow administrations through the General Postal Association’s (UPU) Worldwide Monetary Framework (Uncertainties) and Global Postal Framework (IPS). 

Nairobi is pivotal for neighbouring postal agencies, prompting plans for an advanced Global Mails Transit Centre. Kenya’s postal evolution underscores its interconnected network’s importance in commerce and communication.

Services of Kenya Posta

Mail Services 

For customary mail benefits, the association offers a scope of choices taking special care of different requirements. This incorporates standard mail conveyance for letters, archives, and packages of various sizes. Clients can pick customary mail benefits or pick assisted choices for quicker conveyance, guaranteeing adaptability in light of their necessities. 

Courier Services

Notwithstanding customary mail, messenger administrations accommodate quick and secure conveyance of time-touchy bundles. These administrations are great for organizations and people requiring solid and brief conveyance of significant records, products, or assets. 

Payment Services

To make it easier for customers to conduct financial transactions, the company provides convenient payment services. This incorporates choices for bill installments, cash orders, and other monetary exchanges that can be handled through their outlets or online stages. With secure and effective installment arrangements, clients can deal with their monetary necessities advantageously and dependably. 

Online Services

To adjust to the computerized age, the association gives a scope of online administrations for clients’ benefit. This includes tools for account management, electronic billing, and shipment tracking that can be accessed through their website or mobile apps. These internet based administrations upgrade client experience by offering simple admittance to data and exchange abilities from any place whenever. 


Perceiving the developing significance of internet business, the association offers custom fitted administrations for online dealers and purchasers. This incorporates coordinated operations support for online business organizations, like warehousing, request satisfaction, and last-mile conveyance administrations.

Pick and Drop

To additionally improve on coordinated operations for clients, the association gives get and drop-off administrations. This helps permit clients to plan pickups for their shipments from a predefined area and have them conveyed to assigned beneficiaries. Alternately, clients can likewise drop off their bundles at assigned focuses for conveyance, offering adaptability and accommodation in dealing with their shipments.

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